A half open MacBook with a purple, blue and yellow glow

Benefits of Buying a Refurbished MacBook Pro in Australia

MacBook Air
By buying a refurbished MacBook Pro in Australia, you not only save money but will also help to save the environment and reduce e-waste. Discover more of the benefits.
Half open MacBook Pro with purple screensaver reflecting onto keyboard

Refurbished MacBook Pro or MacBook Air: Which is Better for You?

MacBook Air

Apple MacBook Pro or Apple MacBook Air? If you’ve never owned either, they might sound like the same laptop with minor differences. Both are highly sought-after: the MacBook Pro is considered top-tier among Apple’s laptop range, and the MacBook Air is its best-seller. Both are excellent options, and choosing between them is a tough decision. 

Caucasian hand holding an open silver MacBook Air in the air

Benefits of Buying a Secondhand MacBook Air

Apple MacBook

Apple’s highest-selling laptop; the MacBook Air is an even better deal when you can save hundreds of dollars while purchasing it.