It’s the age-old debate: Android operating systems vs Apple iOS, and which is better. Since the dawn of smart devices, the two operating systems (OS) have been battling against each other, with millions of users on both sides.
The Android operating system is used across a variety of manufacturers for devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops. One of the most popular examples is Samsung’s Galaxy range and Google’s Pixel phones, whilst iOS is exclusively used for Apple’s range of iPhone and iPad devices.
We don’t play favourites here at OzMobiles; instead, we want to explain the key differences between the operating systems, so you can decide which suits you best. Both operating systems excel in different areas, and which is better for you will depend on what you need the device for, the features important to you, and what apps you’ll use.
Buying a new device is always daunting, especially in the current market, where there is a seemingly endless list of options available. Trying to decide what operating system to go for makes it even more challenging—that’s why we’ll be breaking down the key features and core differences between the two options.
Key Features of Android Operating Systems
Android has always been known for one key feature—customisation. It’s the go-to choice for users who like to tinker and personalise their devices. From the home screen to launcher to dynamic widgets to even the operating system itself, it can all be tinkered with.
Another huge key feature is that Android features an open ecosystem. You can download third-party replacements for core services and apps, like the web browser or keyboard, if you don’t like the one the phone came pre-installed with.
Unlike iOS, some Android phone models also allow for expandable storage. For example, Samsung’s Galaxy range has always been popular because you can slot in a microSD card for photos, apps, and other media.
With so many phone manufacturers using the Android operating system for their devices, it’s also the OS that typically receives the most innovative features first. For example, multi-lens cameras, in-screen fingerprint sensors, and wireless charging came to Android devices before iOS.
Because of the variety of manufacturers, key features for Android will also depend on the phone make and model, too. For example, Samsung’s One UI has extra capabilities that aren’t present in Android phones made by other companies.
Whilst it’s not a key feature of the Android OS system itself, but a by-product of its open-source nature—it’s resulted in phones of every price range. Whether you want a premium device, a mid-range option, or you’re on a budget, there’s an Android for every price point.

Key Features of iOS
iOS is the software used for Apple’s iPhone and iPad devices. It was first unveiled at the Macworld Conference on January 9th, 2007 and released later in June of that year.
iOS distinguishes itself with its key features of seamless integration across all of Apple’s devices, providing a uniform user experience. You can easily swap between an iPhone, Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV and iPad.
The operating system is also known for no bloatware. No matter where you buy an iOS device, there’s no bloatware preinstalled—it’s always clean from the very start. iOS also gets more regular software updates than Android.
Unlike Android—unless you’re using a Google Pixel device, iOS also rolls out software updates to all supported models instantaneously. In contrast, the Android operating system usually rolls it out in waves to individual phones, not just by model.
iOS is also well known for its privacy, safety, and security features due to its closed ecosystem nature. All content, like the App Store, is curated by Apple.
Because of iOS’s limited device range, it also has better retail and accessory support. It’s easier to get an iPhone or iPad serviced than it is an Android device, especially if it’s from a lesser-known manufacturer.
iOS’s limited device range also results in games and apps being better optimised, as developers only need to cater to a select few models and hardware combinations.
If you’re into content creation, iOS devices are better known for their art and editing tools. For example, iOS on the iPad comes pre-built with professional-level digital drawing software. iMovie and Final Cut Pro are also renowned for their accessibility and quality as footage-editing software.
The Core Differences Between Android and iOS
The primary difference between Android and iOS lies in their ecosystem and customisation. Android is an open-source operating system, developed by Google and used by various manufacturers around the world.
This allows for a high degree of customisation for users, and manufacturers can also ship their devices with modified operating system versions. Android users also aren’t locked into just the Google Play Store—they can install apps from anywhere, as it’s an ‘open’ ecosystem.
The open-source nature of the Android OS also makes it easier to develop apps and custom firmware. It’s a huge draw for the OS. Still, it also means that the user experience on one Android device might be very different to another, depending on modifications or the manufacturer.
On the other hand, iOS is a ‘closed’ ecosystem, offering a consistent user experience across select devices. iOS isn’t open-source like Android, and there is only one manufacturer—Apple.
IOS’s closed ecosystem and limited device models, allow Apple to optimise their phones and software better. It also results in more security and safety, as the apps allowed on the devices go through a strict quality assurance process.
There is an appeal in both, Android’s open-source nature, and iOS’s closed ecosystem. Neither is better than the other, they just provide different user experiences and use cases.
Which Is Best For Which User?
The Android operating system vs Apple iOS, which is best? Ultimately, it’ll come down to the preferences of the user. Both platforms have their pros and cons, and it’ll depend on the features the user values the most.
Android devices are typically more valued if you prefer an ‘open’ ecosystem for apps and customisation. There’s also more variety to choose from when it comes to Android products, as well as prices to suit every budget.
The Apple iOS operating system is known to be ‘easier’ to pick up and use, and Apple is always fantastic with customer service and support. If you’ve already got other devices in the Apple ecosystem, like an iPad or Mac, it’s also easy to use all the devices seamlessly.
Buy Refurbished Androids or Second-Hand iPhones at OzMobiles
If you’re looking to buy an Android or iOS device, we stock a range of refurbished devices here at OzMobiles. We stock major brands, including Google, Samsung, Oppo, and Apple devices.
All our devices, including phones, smartwatches and tablets, come with a free 12-month warranty and a 30-day risk-free return policy. So, if you run into any issues or have a change of mind, you can return the product.
If you have any questions about our refurbished devices or the refurbishing process, contact us today. Our team is happy to answer any queries you may have and help you find the perfect device.